HU Haibo received the MSE degree in Software Engineering and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Chongqing University, China, in 2004 and 2012, respectively. Currently, he is a professor in the School of Big Data and Software Engineering, Chongqing University, China. He is also a research fellow in the Key Laboratory of MoE for Dependable Service Computing in Cyber Physical Society, China. In 2009, he was a visiting lecturer in Computing Department of the Open University, U.K. He is a member of IET in U.K, a member of CCF and CSIG in China, He is a member in Professional Committees of Information Visualization & Visual Analytics in CSIG China, vice chairman of the Organizational Committee for ChinaVis 2019.Short Bio
--NSFC project on Knowledge based information visualization, grant no. U183610052, 0.65M CNY, in progress.
--Key project of NSF-Chongqing City, on Smart home system security, grant no. cstc2017jcyjB0305, 0.2M CNY, in progress.
--Key project of R&D MoST, on cyber security, grant no. 2017YFB0802401, 4.74M CNY, in progress.
--Key project of FRF-CU/CN, on Security Awareness, grant no. 106112014CDJZR098801, 0.33M CNY, finished in 2017.
--Project of FRF-CU/CN, on NFRs, grant no. 106112013CDJZR090001, 0.1M CNY, finished in 2016.
--Key project of NSF/CN, on Software Trustworthy, grant no. 91118005, 3M CNY, finished in 2015.
--Key project of MoS&T/CN, on Knowledge Sharing, grant no. 2009ZX07315-006, 0.4M CNY, finished in 2013.
--Key project of NSF-Chongqing City, on Requirements Engineering, grant no. CSTC2011BA2022, 0.2M CNY, finished in 2014.
--Project of NSF-Chongqing City, on Software Dependability, grant no. CSTC-2008BB2312, 30K CNY, finished in 2011.
--Key project of 863-Program/CN, on Network Security, grant no. 2007AA01Z445, 0.7M CNY, finished in 2011.
--ChinaVis 2019-Chengdu, First Prize. Team members: Liu Li, Zhou Yixuan, Cai Ting, Yang Tao, Zhang Xuancheng.
--ChinaVis 2018-Shanghai, First Prize. Team members: Yan Yan, Liu Li, He Lingjun, Huang Danhui, Pu Yuwen.
--ChinaVis 2020-Xi'An, Second Prize. Team members: Feng Dan, Yue Xiaoqi, Sun Desheng, Liu Li, Tang Hao.
--ChinaVis 2020-Xi'An, Second Prize. Team members: Yang Tao, Zhang Kaike, Bao Hao, Wang Kesu, Shi Shiwei.
--ChinaVis 2017-Qingdao, Second Prize. Team members: He Lingjun, Ma Qi, Pu Yuwen, Yan Yan, Zhang Tingting.
--Zhou Yixuan, Chinese MoE Student, in progress.
--Jiang Runfeng, Chinese MoE Student, in progress.
--Feng Dan, Chinese MoE Student, in progress.
--Yang Tao, Chinese MoE Student, in progress.
--Liu Li, Chinese MoE Student, in progress.
--Pu Yuwen, Chinese PhD Student, in progress(Co-Supervisor), CN National Scholarship awarded(Twice).
--Bhutto Ali, International MoE Student, in progress.
--Waris Bushra, International MoE Student, in progress.
--Ali Baddour, International PhD students, in progress, (Co-Supervisor).
--Yu Xia. She went to Alibaba CN in 2010.
--Lu Cheng, best undergraduate thesis (2/120) award, in 2008. He went to Huawei Ltd/CN in 2010.
--Lu Kangjie. He went to PKU/CN for his MoE in 2009 and then Georgia Tech/US for his Ph.D in 2012. Since 2017, he is an associate professor with the University of Minnesota, US.
--Chen Yuanyuan, best undergraduate thesis (3/180) award in 2010. He went to USTC/CN for his MoE in 2010.
--Li Mingyu. She went to PKU/CN for her MoE in 2011.
--Fang Fang. She went to CAS/CN for her MoE and PhD since 2013.
--Fan Yuanyuan, She went to NJU/CN for her MoE in 2013.
--Zhang Ying. She went to ZJU/CN for her MoE in 2013.
--Huang Pan, best undergraduate thesis award (3/180) in 2013. He went to ZJU/CN for his MoE in 2013.
--Ren Lifeng. He went to CAS/CN for his MoE in 2013.
--Li Xiaoxuan. She went to THU/CN for her MoE in 2014.
--Tan Yong. He went to TsingHuaU/CN for his MoE in 2015.
--Edwin Tawanda Mudzingwa(International Students). He went to SWU/CN for his MoE in 2014.
--Mao Di. He went to ANU/AU for his MoE in 2015.
--Hu Qun. He went to ZJU/CN for his MoE in 2015.
--Liu Jinyi. She went to CAS/CN for her MoE in 2016. She is a PhD student in PKU/CN since Sept. 2019.
--Wang Lei. He went to ZJU/CN for his MoE in 2016.
--Zheng Shaobin. He went to SCUT/CN for his MoE in 2016.
--Wang Zhaoji. He went to HUS&T/CN for his MoE in 2016.
--Zhang Tingting, She went to Citi/CN in 2017.
--Ma Qi, He went to 360/CN in 2017, He is with AliBaba Ltd. since May 2019.
--Liu Huan. She went to ZJU/CN for her MoE in 2017. She is a PhD student in ZJU/CN.
--Tang Liwen. She went to CMU/US for her MoE in 2017.
--Xu Muchen. He went to CMU/US for his MoE in 2017. He went to Amazon/US in 2019.
--Hou Tianchang. She went to WU/CA for her MoE in 2017.
--Liu Lei. He went to CAS/CN for his MoE in 2017.
--Huang Jiamei. She went to PKU/CN for her MoE in 2017.
--Ye Xiangyang. She went to TJU/CN for her MoE in 2017.
--Li Jingying. She went to CAS/CN for her MoE in 2017.
--He Linjia. She went to BJU/CN for her MoE in 2017.
--Lǔ Lingyan. She went to SWU/CN for her MoE in 2017.
--He Lingjun. She went to 360/CN in 2018.
--Ma Hao. He went to ZJU/CN for his MoE in 2018.
--Wang Chenchen. He went to NJU/CN for his MoE in 2018.
--Hu Yang. She went to YNU/ for her MoE in 2018.
--Zhao Huan. He went to NJU/CN for his MoE in 2018.
--Mao Runfeng. He went to NJU/CN for his MoE in 2018.
--Zhang Xuancheng, best undergraduate thesis (3/180) award in 2019. He went to THU/CN for his PhD in 2019.
--He Kewen. He went to TJU/CN his MoE in 2019.
--Chen Bohan. He went to SCU/CN for his MoE in 2019.
--Yan Yan. He went to ZET/CN in 2020.
--Cai Ting, He went to THU/CN for his MoE in 2020.
--Shi Shiwei, He went to FDU/CN for his MoE in 2020.
--Yang Ruiming. He went to HIT-SZ/CN for his MoE in 2020.
--Lin Kun. He went to WHU/CN for his MoE in 2020.
--Yao Zhiwei.He went to SCU/CN for his MoE in 2020.
--Chen Qiuyi. She went to CAS/CN for her MoE in 2020.
--Jia Ranhao. He went to SJTU/CN for his MoE in 2020.
--Yin Lu. She went to CUHK/HK for her Msc in 2020.